Freelance Creative

Pink Shirt Day: Campaign To Stop Bullying


Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying a day when people wear mainly a pink shirt to symbolise a stand against bullying. We launched the campaign in 2007 based on the insight that speaking out, at the time someone is being bullied, can have an immediate impact. 

AGENCY: TAXI Vancouver
ROLE: Art Director
DESIGN: Andrew Passas

 We partnered with Canadian illustrator, Carson Ting, to create the t-shirt design. The illustration captured the insight that bystanders who speak up against bullies has an immediate impact. The shirt were sold at local stores to raise money for the

We partnered with Canadian illustrator, Carson Ting, to create the t-shirt design. The illustration captured the insight that bystanders who speak up against bullies has an immediate impact. The shirt were sold at local stores to raise money for the student rallies.

 To promote the message,  posters designed to be taken down and turned into loud-speakers, were produced and put up in schools.

To promote the message, posters designed to be taken down and turned into loud-speakers, were produced and put up in schools.

 With limited budget and resources, we partnered with local TV media who donated free space and a local production company to create the :30 video.

With limited budget and resources, we partnered with local TV media who donated free space and a local production company to create the :30 video.